Image Club Release Notes (c)1993 Image Club Graphics Inc. PhotoGear (tm) Volume 03 : Industrial Backgrounds Welcome to the world of Image Club CD ROM Systems. This PhotoGear disc is one in a line of creative photographic image CD ROMs from Image Club. We wish to provide you with an astonishingly wide variety of useful and exciting stock images for multimedia, fine art, advertising and superb quality, high resolution output - at a price anyone can afford. IBM PC & Macintosh Compatibility All PhotoGear CD ROMs are multi-platform compatible. This means that the same CD ROM disc may be used on either a IBM PC or Macintosh computer system. The photographic image files on the PhotoGear disc may be used on both platforms, as is. Files that are specific to a particular platform are separated into designated directories. For example, the "PC" directory contains files that are specific to the IBM PC compatible platform only. The "Mac" directory on the PhotoGear CD ROM contains utilities, documents and applications that can be used only on the Macintosh platform. Using the international ISO9660 CD ROM standard, PhotoGear discs may be accessed using nearly every CD ROM drive available today. System Requirements The minimum PC configuration is a 286 compatible with 4 mb of RAM, 25 mb of free hard drive space, a CD ROM drive, MS DOS version 4.1 or later and an EGA graphics card. The recommended PC configuration is a 386 compatible or better with 8 mb of RAM, 100 mb of free hard drive space, a CD ROM drive, Microsoft Windows 3.0 or later and a high resolution SVGA graphics card with 1 mb or greater video RAM. The minimum Macintosh configuration is a Macintosh II with 4 mb of RAM, 25 mb of free hard drive space, System Software version 6.0.7 or later, a CD ROM drive, Foreign File Access software (supplied with most CD ROM drives) and an 8 bit grey scale monitor. The recommended Macintosh configuration is a Macintosh IIci or faster with 20 mb of RAM, 100 mb of free hard drive space, System Software version 7.0 or later, a CD ROM drive, Foreign File Access software (supplied with most CD ROM drives) and an 24 bit color monitor. Image File Formats The image files on the PhotoGear CD ROM are stored in three resolutions. High Resolution Approximately 2390 pixels horizontally by 3060 pixels vertically at 266 pixels per inch. High resolution files are stored as LZW compressed RGB TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) files. Compressed TIFF is a non-lossy compression scheme that ensures the detail and resolution is maintained in the image. These images are approximately 21 mb in size when decompressed and are ideal for high resolution, full page (9.0 x 11.5 inches) reproduction at 150 lines per inch and lower screen frequencies. Medium Resolution Approximately 1060 pixels horizontally by 1330 pixels vertically at 266 pixels per inch. Medium resolution files are stored as RGB TIFF files. These images are approximately 4 mb in size and are best suited for smaller, high resolution layouts and comps. They may be reproduced at full size (4.0 x 5.0 inches) using 150 lines per inch and lower screen frequencies. Low Resolution These files are approximately 280 pixels horizontally by 360 pixels vertically at 72 pixels per inch. Low resolution files are stored as 32 bit PICT files. These images are less than 350 kb in size and are best suited for multimedia presentations, "for position only" placement in layouts and on screen previewing. Licensing Information The photographic images supplied on this Image Club CD ROM are for the personal use of the end user only and are copyright of Image Club Graphics, Inc. You are licensed to use the copyrighted photographic images for presentation, printed, reproduction or display purposes. Unauthorized duplication, reproduction, reselling or distribution of the copyrighted photographic images in digital form is strictly prohibited. You may make one copy of the files for backup purposes only. Please note that by using the images, you have agreed to the terms of this licensing agreement. For more information, refer to the Image Club Graphics Licensing Agreement on the software package. Technical Support Please read the release notes, installation guide and user manual before using your Image Club CD ROM. We guarantee that this will save you time in the long run. If you have a problem with the installation of or use of any Image Club product, please refer to the user manual and other information provided as well as the user manuals supplied with your Macintosh and Macintosh applications before calling Image Club Technical Support. This does not mean that you cannot call for help. If you are having difficultly with some portion of our manual, the installation or the product itself, please contact Image Club Technical Support at one of the numbers below. If you seem to be missing a portion of the packaging for your Image Club software or have received a disk that will not read properly, please contact Image Club Customer Service. If you have any comments or other concerns, please let us know. We are constantly upgrading and improving our products based on users reporting back to us. Thank you for purchasing your Image Club CD ROM and enjoy! Image Club Graphics, Inc. 729 Twenty Fourth Avenue Southeast Calgary Alberta Canada T2G 1P5 Phone: 403 262 8008 Fax: 403 261 7013 Customer Service : 403 262 8008 x221 Technical Support: 403 262 8008 x230 Order Desk: 800 661 9410 Applelink: CDA0573 Compuserve: 72560,2323 America Online: Image Club _______________________________ Updated : 04 November 1993